B&B…………….Bed & Breakfast – A type of overnight lodging, often located in private homes, where travelers are provided accommodations and breakfast in exchange for a fee.

CDC…………….Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – The health protection agency of the U.S.A. Government.  Among other activities, the CDC provides information on health threats worldwide.

CHS…………….Canadian Hydrographic Service – A division of the Government of Canada responsible for surveying and measuring Canada’s waterways and coasts.  Among other activities, the CHS produces nautical charts and related publications.

COSPAS-SARSATAn international satellite-based system which detects and locates emergency or distress radio beacons activated by aircraft, ships, or on land, and then provides that information to local search and rescue authorities.

ELT……………..Emergency Locator Transmitter – A type of emergency or distress radio beacon for aviation use.

EPIRB…………Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon – A type of emergency or distress radio beacon for maritime use.

FRS……………..Family Radio Service – A type of walkie talkie radio system designed for short-distance two-way communication on land.

GMRS………….General Mobile Radio Service – A type of walkie talkie radio system designed for short-distance two-way communication on land.  Some jurisdictions may require the users of GMRS radios to obtain a license.

GORP…………..Good Old Raisins and Peanuts – Another name for trail mix, due to typical ingredients in the hiking snack. GORP is also sometimes used as an acronym for Granola, Oats, Raisins and Peanuts, though many trail mix formulations contain neither granola nor oats.

GPS……………..Global Positioning System

GSAR…………..Ground Search and Rescue

MAFOR………..Marine Forecast (U.S.A. / Canada)

MGRS…………..Military Grid Reference System

NAD27…………North American Datum of 1927

NAD83…………North American Datum of 1983

NOAA…………..National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – An agency of the U.S.A. Government focused on the conditions of the oceans and atmosphere.  Among other activities, NOAA produces weather forecasts and nautical charts for the U.S.A.

PFD………………Personal Flotation Device – A piece of safety equipment, often referred to as a life jacket or life vest, designed to help the person wearing it to stay afloat.

Piezo Ignition – A type of ignition common in gas lighters, camp stoves and barbecues where pushing a button compresses a special crystal, producing an electric spark.

PIN………………Personal Identification Number – A series of unique numbers or letters used by an individual to identify themselves, most commonly to their bank.

PLB……………..Personal Locator Beacon – A type of emergency or distress radio beacon for use on land.

SAR……………..Search and Rescue

SCUBA………..Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus

SOLAS………..International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974

SOS – An international Morse Code distress signal consisting of three dits, three dahs, and three dits (…—…).  It is used as an auditory and visual distress signal, and often represents the only elements of Morse Code recognized by rescuers.  SOS is sometimes thought to be an acronym for “Save Our Souls” or Save Our Ship”, but in fact SOS has no such meaning and is not an abbreviation of any phrase.  

SUV…………….Sport Utility Vehicle

UTM…………….Universal Transverse Mercator

VHF…………….Very High Frequency – Denotes a band of radio frequencies used for two-way communication on land, in the air, or at sea (marine VHF).  Additional uses for this band include amateur radio, television and radio broadcasts, cordless microphones and cordless telephones.  A license is usually required to operate two-way radios that transmit on VHF.

WGS84……….World Geodetic System 1984